Saturday, July 21, 2007

Reset your bookmarks

For the few people who might still be checking on me, I'm finally making the move to Wordpress here. I'm still setting up the blogroll and messing with the template, but I really love the flexibility and ease-of-use of the Wordpress interface. I may eventually try to secure a domain name, but for now that link will work.

Just got back from a long bike ride (the first in six long years) with T and our friend J. The portion of the trip on bike trails was delicious and therapeutic; the part on busy roads, not so much. But I'm glad we went. There's a funny thing about exercise that I can never seem to remember when I'm considering whether or not to haul my butt into motion on a particular day: I always feel much better afterwards. More settled and happy. It needs to become part of what I do daily to stay strong and happy, like flossing (I'll have to tell my flossing conversion story later, but it's worth it!).

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