Saturday, October 30, 2004

Lackluster First Blog

What's obsessing me right now, unfortunately, is a big fat lab report for my Genetics lab that's due on Monday. I'm 32 years old, and after many years in the labor pool, I've gone back to school to try get some of those sciences I wasn't so excited about during my undergraduate years, with an eye towards health care or teaching. What's hard about this lab report (besides that the data is crap!) is what's hard about any writing: it helps to clarify what I know and makes very clear to me what I don't know as well as I need to. If I don't know it, I can't write about it with any clarity or consistency. And that's the value of writing. But it's still like pulling off an adhesive bandage (isn't that the right alternative to the corporate logo name?): 1)it's best if I do it quickly and under some pressure, 2)it hurts like hell, and 3) when it's over, I'm glad I did it.

Tonight, there is a Halloween party at my house, organized and hosted by my housemate. I usually *loathe* Halloween, mostly because I never have the presence of mind to come up with a good costume. The party has a mad science theme and, as usual, I've been procrastinating about coming up with a costume idea. So, I've got to throw something together. What can I make out of household items. Well, there's always drag! How about "drag queen zombie?" Hmmm. Sounds lame, but it will have to do. I have a spotty drag past, but I think once you've performed for an audience in drag just once, you're pretty much a bona fide drag queen for life, even if it's buried under untold strata of respectability. Drag queen mad scientist? Hmmm. Drag queen reconstructed from dead bodies and reanimated? Hmmm. Stay tuned.

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